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Kenya’s PR Guru Calls For Inclusive PR Practice

Kenya’s PR Guru Calls for Inclusive PR Practice

A Kenyan public relations expert, Ruth Dero, has challenged public relations practitioners in the country to embrace inclusivity in their communications.

Dero delivered her presentation at the Public Relations Society of Malawi (PRSM) 2024 conference in Mangochi where she made a repeated call for PR practitioners  to be inclusive  in their approach to communication and public relations practice,

“PR practitioners must be authentic in their communications, avoiding language and designs that may perpetuate negative stereotypes or alienate certain groups. In today’s diverse society, public relations can no longer afford to be exclusive,” Dero stressed.

Ruth Dero (center) during a panel discussion with other presenters.

“We must ensure our language, designs, and distribution channels cater to the needs of all individuals, regardless of their background, culture, or socioeconomic status. How do we craft our press materials? Do we consider the diverse needs and experiences of all individuals, particularly marginalized groups?” she posed questions to the audience for reflection.

While social media presents new opportunities for reaching out to audiences, Dero highlighted the limitations of this space and called on the audience to explore for more alternatives so that no one is left behind.

She said effective communication requires a profound understanding of marginalized communities.

“As PR professionals, we are leaders. We must champion inclusive practices and fight for our place in the C-suite.” She said.

PR Practitioners during the 2024 PRSM conference.

Brian Banda, a representative from Lab group of companies, which is into designing and printing visibility media materials agreed with Dero on the need to be strategic when designing messages. Banda said designing effective communication requires some time hence called on PR professionals to always consider timing.

“Timing is everything. When you give the job to the designers or printer, please give them time to create something that will help create the image you want to your audience” said Banda whose organization was among partners that supported this year’s conference.

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