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Govt Commits To Support PR Bill

Govt commits to support PR Bill

Minister of Information and Digitization, Moses Kunkuyu, says government will support the enactment of the PR Communications and Practitioners Act.

The minister was responding to Public Relations Society of Malawi (PRSM) president—Benson Linje who asked for the government’s support to enact this piece of legislation.

According to Linje the society was working on the Bill that will help to regulate the blossoming PR profession.

In response Kunkuyu acknowledged that lack of proper policies in the profession was one of the challenges that needed the government’s hand.

Minister of Information, Hon. Moses Kunkuyu Kalongashawa (right) with PRSM President, Benson Linje at the 2024 PRSM Conference.

He said: “As government, we are aware of the challenges you are facing including the absence of proper policies for you to operate efficiently and effectively. As such, we will support your initiatives so that together we can explore opportunities to integrate the role of PR communication and practitioners within our structures to recognize your importance. Let’s promote informed communication—inclusive development and democratic governance.”


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